1. How can I submit my degree/ other professional added qualification verification fee in the DBCP
The applicant may obtain the details of qyalification verfication fee as applicable from the passing university website, get payment done online to them and upload the acknowledgement to dbcp at other documents column.
2. What are the required documents to submit before collecting my original registration from DBCP office? Also please clarify can I send any person if I may not be able to come personally to receive the same?
You may check the details of your name in the List of Completed Applications available at home page of our website https://dbcpdelhi.org/ The required documents to submit is mentioned at https://www.dbcpdelhi.org/council-meeting
Please provide the authorization letter to the person who is coming to DBCP to collect the certificate on behalf you, and also please note that the person should carry a photo ID card in original to show and the copy of the ID card to submit .
3.How to find the renewal registration, and provisional registration fee?.
You can find the renewal registration, and provisional registration fee using the dbcp website (www.dbcpdelhi.org) and click on Fee Calculator links, or you can click on the link below. https://dbcpdelhi.org/dbcpapp/dsearch/calculate_fees